Summer Fete

Saturday 6th of July24

Why should you get involved in the PTA?

As children move on from their time at St Mary's, so do their parents and carers. Without a continual cycle of parent involvement, the PTA would simply no longer exist.

The PTA is run by volunteers - a mixture of parents that work together for the benefit of the children at St Mary's. The majority work full-time and fit their PTA commitments around their busy lives. The PTA is most successful when we have a lot of people, all contributing even the smallest amount of time.

  • The PTA is all of us – supporting the PTA is a way for parents and carers of the school community to come together to help create a wonderful environment for your child.
  • It’s fun –meet other families in a relaxed environment, and make new friends.
  • Participate in great events – Fun for both children and adults. Even if you can’t help with event planning, come along and help with the fundraising on the day.
  • Fundraising – Over the years, PTA funds have helped pay for lots of extra resources and experiences, such as our Library Bus and Sensory Room. Your help fundamentally benefits your children's experience at St Mary's, that school budgets sadly cannot cover alone.
  • Be a role model to your child – our children love to see us involved with school activities.
  • Make the events you want to see come to life - If you have a great idea, we would love to help make it happen.


The PTA is all of us – Getting involved is easy – there are all sorts of ways in which you can help, depending on your time, interests and abilities.

If you can’t commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently like running a stall at one of our school events or showing off your baking skills.

Perhaps you are part of a local business who could support our future events, we are always looking for new supporters and donators. Many of our events rely on donations of fabulous prizes or you may even like to set up your own stall at one of our events.

Another great way of supporting the PTA is by simply attending our events and spreading the word of our fundraising efforts.

How can you get involved in the PTA?

As parents and carers, you automatically become a member of the PTA once your child becomes a pupil at St Mary's.

PTA Class Reps: Each year group has PTA class reps. They are some of our most dedicated volunteers and always happy to help new members. Please reach out to them in person or through your class WhatsApp group.

The core PTA team: We are always eager to meet new faces and welcome new volunteers. Please do approach us, we are a friendly bunch. We are easily contactable through email, drop us a line if you would like to volunteer in any capacity or message us via WhatsApp (your class rep can pass on our contact details).

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